
Monday, December 21, 2015

To The Asshole Mom Lurking In My Facebook Moms’ Group

Thanks for always being there.

No. Seriously. Re read that in your head. To the asshole mom lurking in my facebook moms' group, thanks for always being there. Thank you for always remembering to say the truth. Okay, let me back up here and explain...

Imagine this. I was casually perusing facebook on my lunch break, okay I lied. It wasn't exactly a lunch break, it was just a mental break. Fuck it, I just wanted to look on facebook. Okay, I digress. I was casually perusing facebook and happened across a post in one of the moms' groups I am part of. Usually I pay no attention to these for a multitude of reasons, but this one caught my eye. This woman's child had gotten into some medication and the woman was wondering if people could give her advice.

Now let me get this straight. Your kid got into medication and you are asking a group of women on facebook if they have any advice for you?? Right. Cause this is making total sense. Some sensible mother wrote something along the lines of "get off facebook and call poison control". I nodded in agreement. Seriously. GET OFF FACEBOOK AND CALL POISON CONTROL LADY. DUH. That was the first thing I thought of too! Well, let me tell you. That woman might as well said she was going to kill everyone's goldfish. These women jumped on her so fast! 

Some of the most memorable things I remember seeing:
"Don't be so judging, you bitch"
"I will pray for you"
"Oh sorry, you must be a perfect mother"
"She was just coming here for advice. Don't worry, your child will be just fine"
and my favorite "WebMD said...."

I was literally sitting at my desk, smh. (By the way that means "shaking my head", I just found that out a few months ago and it totally changed my life. ) Why was it wrong for her to say what she said? The name calling, bashing and total hypocrisies went on for far too long. If I hadn't been working I would so have gotten myself a beer and just watched it all unfold...move over RHOBH, my facebook moms' group has it covered!  

If you post something on facebook asking for advice, be prepared for advice. I mean, you asked for it...didn't you? Now the funny thing about advice is it might not be what you want to hear. I want to loose some weight, people told me to stop eating chips and chocolate...definitely NOT what I wanted to hear but hey, it was their advice! Did I freak out on them? No. And was it the truth? Begrudgingly, yes. 

So. Bottom of the line. Moral of the Story. Do not. And I repeat, DO NOT post asking for advice if you are not ready to receive said advice. There will always be that one asshole mother who tells you what you really need to hear...the truth.

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