
Saturday, March 14, 2015

I did it AGAIN

Man. I am so bad at following through with this blog. It seems I have come and gone over the past 6 years with this blog. Its quite comical to read back to older blog posts I wrote. Somethings were a lot more fun back than, or perhaps just easier.
Life is....well, life. Busy. Stupidly busy. I am finally really focusing on my career. It took me years after graduating college to finally say yes to my dad and start getting involved in his business. Looking back now, I wish I had just put my ego aside and said yes from the jump...I guess that's why they say hindsight is 20/20. Anyways, I have worked my way up so far from bookkeeping to small jobs and marketing manager. I wear multiple hats in this business, but honestly I prefer it that way. I haven't quite found my niche yet. I am taking classes right now to become certified in kitchen and bath design, which I am loving! I miss taking classes (sophomore me is shaking her head while chugging busch light and playing beruit). I love learning about all the design and construction aspects. I really thought I would gravitate more towards the design aspect, but I think I am enjoying the construction aspect more. Reminds me of wedding dress buying, I was DEADSET on a princess ball gown, came out with a stunning mermaid dress. Go figure.
Anyways, life is life. Busy.. Stupidly busy. Kids are great. Time consuming, complete fatigue inducing, makes you wonder if you belong in a looney bin, but great.

Cassidy is 6 going on 26. Seriously, she has skipped her teenage years and went straight to adult hood. This kid is seriously smart. Not only book smart, just wise. Wise beyond her years at times. She gives me a run for my money, that's for damn sure. She is me. Exactly like me. The only thing I wise for her is she doesn't make the same mistakes I did. I have made it a huge point to make sure her assertiveness is just that and not meanness, her independence stays that and doesn't turn into egotistical. Her confidence, man that is a big one. I want her to be confident in herself more than anything. I struggled with that so much when I was in my late teens, early twenties and made some really bad choices. I know each person is different and she isn't exactly like me, but I won't miss the chance to tell her how wonderful she is and how proud I am of her, ever.

Then there is this one. Zoey mothereffing Leigh Nicholson. This kid is something fierce. I knew she was going to be a tough cookie from the first time I laid eyes on her, well actually before I even laid eyes on her. I always said she will be the kid running naked, playing in mud and throwing left hooks. Damn, I was so right. She can be a total beast at times, she doesn't quite understand that "no" isn't a life long punishment. For being such a strong willed kid she is also just as sensitive. When I do get my Zozo cuddles, nothing can top them. But man is she stingy.

As you see can, hubby and I have got our hands full. My job, his job, our little ladies. Doesn't leave much time for much of anything else. But that is okay. It's got to be okay. Like any other young family living on Cape Cod (or anywhere probably) money is tight and I am looking forward to the days where it isn't so stressful. Ian and I have worked really hard to get where we are right now, and things are really looking up financially. It's good to finally feel like things are going uphill in a perpetual motion, rather than up some then big downfalls. But that can change so quickly as we all know. Nothing in life is final. Everything can change. For now, I am embracing the positive changes I have made in my life and looking forward to the good things coming our way.
Like Arizona. Mid April we will be flying out to visit Ian's dad and his wife and we all could not be more excited about it. The sun, the spa, the pool and of course the food. I hear they got some seriously good food out there. Our first family vacation, should be eventful none the less!

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