
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Playing nice is old news, it's time to play fair.

You know growing up you were always told to "play nicely" or even better "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". I remember my parents saying this to me all the time. "just be the bigger person"  "don't stoop to their level honey" blah blah blah, you know what? Sometimes to really drive home your point, it is necessary to stop playing "nicely" and start playing fairly.
For me, being me, probably THE most blunt person you will ever come across it has been very hard to just keep quiet about certain things. I was told I need to stop being quite so blunt and maybe a little more tactful? Okay. Tactful. I can do this.
 I tried, believe me I gave it my all. But you know what would happen? Someone would piss me off, real good mind you, and I would try to be the "bigger person", apologize when I knew I was not in the wrong, agree with some batshit crazy thing they would come up with all while being very...tactful. And you know where that got me?
So I have come to the conclusion, I may be called a bitch or whatever else insult someone thinks bothers me (wake up call, if I don't care ABOUT you I couldn't care less what you think OF me) but hey at least I am being honest. Honest with me about my feelings and honest to you about how ridiculous you are acting.

So in conclusion I have decided to really go with the "do unto others, as others do unto you" mantra. You really get back what you put out right? Isn't that Karma? Isn't that why I have two outspoken, independent run for your money little ladies?

Speaking of our little ladies, look how cute they are!
4.5yrs old and 13 months old 
They are amazing. Hilarious little people.

We refer to Zoey as our sour patch kid. You know those commercials? They do heinously awful things then are cute and you forgive them...yep, that's our ZoZo! For instance, you ever have you knee bitten? She crawled up to me, climbed up my leg and decided to take a chunk of my knee cap skin and BITE it. Yep. I mean seriously, WHO does that? After, when I nearly jumped through the ceiling of our house, she crawled back up to me, gave my knee a kiss and laid her not so little cute bald head on my leg. Within that moment I forgot the intense pain this child of mine brought me not even a second ago, but this warm fuzzy lovey feeling has come over me and those big bright blueberry eyes of her bring on a slight case of amnesia. Kind of like labor (for all you ladies reading this, you will know what I am referring too), just on a completely different pain level scale.  

As for Cassidy, whew. She is one TOUGH cookie. She is way to smart. I find myself at times arguing with her and losing horribly. She has now added a lot more new words to her vocabulary, not all ones I am proud of. However there is a really hilarious story of something she said a few months ago (judge all you wish, it was freaking hilarious). 
She gets out of the shower and is shivering
"Cassidy, you cold sweetie?" - me
"Yah ma, it's fucking freezing in here" - Cassidy
"What did you just say?" - me
"It's FUCKING FREEZING in here ma!" - Cassidy
touche child touche. I could NOT keep a straight face. Trying to reprimand your child and laughing hysterically behind a towel to cover your face does not work, just FYI. Point of the whole story is yes kids swear, it happens. They hear EVERYTHING at ALL times. But the kicker to this story is the fact that she used "fuck" grammatically correct. You think that is bad? Wait til you ask her to take a picture. She will immediately pop out her hip, place her hand one it, bend her leg and give you her "attitude" face (oh hey, thanks KATE!). My four year old is not so much a four year old.

I have to admit, they are tough. They really give me and Ian a run for our money. But I wouldn't want it any other way. It would suck to have boring kids, not have hilariously outrageous stories to tell their first loves (oh and believe you, me I have TONS of awesome stories). Ian and I say they are the best parts of us. Every thing I love about me I see in them. It really is an amazing thing. I guess I will keep them ; )

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