
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friends, so where do you fall?

Everyone has a core group of friends. Friends that will and have been there for you no matter what. You could have killed their cat and they would still love you... well maybe, I mean if I killed one of Kate's cats I am pretty sure she would hate me because her cats are her babies, but I think she would forgive me... shit, Kate would you forgive me? Man, ummm...never mind, she would forgive me, yah totally.


Everyone has a core group of friends. I have realized my "core" group of friends was far larger in college than it is now, but back then you wanted to fit in and be cool with everyone, so it didn't matter if Rando #1 had tuna fish breath constantly, because she was actually being friendly with you, and when your parents called to see if you were still alive you could say you had made a "friend". I have to say though, I did have some pretty awesome friends in college, but as time went on you realize you have less and less in common with people you couldn't imagine living without at one point in your life. There are many factors that contribute to this:

  • distance
  • life choices
  • kids
  • marriage
  • job
Now none of these five things are bad things per say. But all five really put friendships to the test. Making time to talk to one another, finding things to relate to once you aren't around each other at all times anymore. I can tell you one thing, if you can go a full month without once picking up your phone to call, text, facebook, tweet, snapchat (you get my point right?) a "friend", they aren't a friend. Hate to break it to yah, but that is the truth. Now there are a few exceptions to this rule I follow. Actually that is not true, for me there is one. She knows who she is, someone I can not talk to for months, but no matter what, when we do speak it is as if no time has passed. But I digress...

Now with all the factors, aka life, I have condensed my excessive group of core friends. Doesn't matter if you have 20 core friends or 4, those friends will get you through the worst and happiest of times. Something I have noticed is that every group of friends is there is always "that" friend. You know, THAT friend. Well for me I have a bunch of "that" friends. I think there are different varieties of "that" friend. All of which I have encountered, and chances are some that you may read and think... " Hey that sounds like Sam!"

The Unicorn
Who wouldn't want to be the unicorn, right?! You know when you have this big old party planned out or a night dancing, you gather all your friends in a group text or facebook invite, but you stop at one name in particular. Should you proceed with the invitation? Or are they just going to never respond, or come up with some excuse as to why they can not partake. This my friend, is the unicorn. They are super elusive. 9 times out of 10 they decline or ignore your invitation. HOWEVER, when they do make it out to an event it is like all hell breaks loose. Just their presence is euphoric. 

The Drama Queen
This category is pretty self explanatory. We all have a friend that no matter what is happening, they will make it bigger and crazier. Most of the time the Drama Queen doesn't even recognize them self as one, and let's get this straight...Drama Queens are not always women...let me tell you, some of my guy friends has and have been THE biggest drama queens EVER.

The One-Upper
Oh you just got a promotion? Yah!? Well I got a promotion too AND a new office. Oh you are getting married? Me TOO, and I am having a baby! No matter what you say this person is always in "winning" mode. Nothing is safe around this person and chances are this friendship will be short lived unless they realize their obnoxious ways.

The Disco Globe
It's not a party until you turn on the disco globe. That is exactly what this category is, the friend that IS the party. No matter who you are with, what you are doing or where you are doing it...this friend makes it just that much more fun!

The Mom
Need a shoulder to cry on? This category is the way to go. A mom away from mom. Sometimes overprotective and overbearing, but they always mean well!

The Eeyore
No matter what, this person will always have a negative outtake on anything and everything. This friend constantly needs a pick me up and chances are they never work.

The Samantha
Everyone knows who Samantha from Sex and The City is, and chances are you have a friend that is this character to the TEE. "I can't color enough, I would color all day every day if I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.

The Prodigy
They have the "perfect" family, house, job, dog, car, etc. So with all this amazingness they have, they are usually really freaking nice and pretty to boot. I not so secretly envy this friend.

The Mouth
You will never confide in this person, but it is always nice to hear what they have to say...let's be honest here...EVERYONE likes some good gossip, don't pretend like you don't.

The Lifer
Someone you have been friends with FOREVER, and you talk about the times you will spend as little old ladies, on the front porch in matching moo-moos, rocking in your chairs laughing about all the crazy shit you did when you were younger.

The list could go on and on, there are so many different types of friends, some good, some bad. Regardless of their connotation, a friend is a friend. Some of them come in our lives to teach us a lesson, some come in our lives to have a lesson be taught. Some you think you will be BFFs forever and it only lasts a few years or so, and others you had no idea how important they would become to you. Friends are the family we choose. So, where do you think you fall in the friend categories?

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